Friday, February 27, 2009

Bank Action And The Market

The one sector that held up very well Thursday was the Banking Index (BKX). Yesterday I showed a study that suggested a bullish bias following a negative SPX day where the SOX thrives. Below is a similar test using the BKX instead of the SOX:

(click to enlarge)

This study would have triggered both on Wednesday and Thursday. Instances are too few here to draw any solid conclusions. It does appear worthwhile to keep an eye on the BKX as well as the SOX, though. Interesting about this study is that there were two occurrences in 2008. They were on 1/22/08 and 10/10/08. Both near notable market lows.
Edit: Citigroup is trying its best to ruin these results as I type this. Expect the banks to remain front and center. Looks like we'll have another action filled day.

1 comment:

  1. Watching this Citi thing unfold is like watching a car crash in slow motion.
