Wednesday, July 22, 2009

See What I'm Reading With The New Linkfest Widget

I’ve added a new feature on the right hand column of the blog. One thing I’ve done a poor job of over time is posting links. It seems I only manage to get linkfest posts up once every couple of months. I do read a fair amount that I believe is worth sharing, but putting together posts full of links is arduous and I rarely get around to it. Fortunately I’ve now found a way to share some of the things I find most interesting on a daily basis.

The widget on the right hand side of the page titled “Other recent notable reading” contains links to the work of others. You can see the last five posts from my reader that I decided were worth sharing.

For a longer history and a full view of the readings simply click “View All” at the bottom of the box.

Hopefully you’ll find this new feature beneficial. Check back often as I’ll update it with fresh links as I read them.

1 comment:

  1. Don't waste any of your precious time on this.

    We want to read YOU.

    Spend time on YOU. Devise another unique study, or another nuance to an existing study, instead.

    See my comment to the other posting by you of today. Do that! More of that!
