Monday, December 28, 2009

Quantifiable Edges Greatest Hits of 2009

So my son got Band Hero for Christmas and the Hannas now rock. Like a rock band, I decided Quantifiable Edges needed to release a “Greatest Hits”. The list below shows the most popular post (by number of hits) for each month of 2009. I’m calling it “Greatest Hits” because it is based on popularity. I don’t think it’s a “Best Of”. Many of my favorites were excluded and some of the ones below I didn’t think were all that great. So perhaps I’ll have some time to put together a “Best Of” later this week.

Jan – Stops Part 1 – When Not To Use Them (Somewhat controversial post here. One I should perhaps expand on at some point.)

Feb – 2% Gaps Down Revisted (We see here that large gaps down often fail to hold over the next few days.)

Mar – Why Tuesday’s 90% Up Day May Not Be Bullish (The implication of this popular study couldn’t have been more wrong.)

Apr – The Most Overbought Market In At Least 23 Years? (Based on a short/intermediate-term indicator.)

May – A Simple & Powerful Timing Indicator (Includes a heavily downloaded free spreadsheet available on the free downloads section of the website.)

Jun – From A High To A Low In 1 Day (A study that looks at a fast move from the high end of the market’s range to the low end.)

Jul – What Happens After A Sharp Contraction In Volatility (I now track this indicator each night on the members charts page. There are also a few studies associated with it that are tracked by the Quantifinder.)

Aug – Percent of Stock Above Their 200ma’s Hitting Extreme Levels

Sep – Never Have So Many Stocks Been So Stretched Above Their 200ma (I’m seeing a theme here. Everyone loves to hear how we’re hitting all-time extremes. It’s like when I was little and I would be excited when the weatherman said we made a record high or a record low on the day.)

Oct – Extreme Weakness Never Before Seen By This Measure (The measure was the McClellan Oscillator. The comparison was a little unfair since it used the standard McClellan Oscillator rather than the ratio adjusted version. I now track the ratio adjusted version on the members charts page. Traders not familiar with the McClellan Oscillator should familiarize themselves with it. And while the oscillator has been around a long time, the McClellan’s continue to do good work to this day. The “Learning Center” on their website is full of goodies. )

Nov – What A Strong Early Tick Has Meant In The Past – Perhaps I’ll need to post more intraday edges in 2010.

Dec - Twill Be 3 Nights Before Christmas (A seasonal study. It was only posted about a week ago.)

1 comment:

  1. Great bunch of pieces - thanks!

    My criteria for not using stops

    - coming from heavy cash position
    - identified a washed-out selling point after a pullback
    - take smallish position
    - trade indexes/ETF's

    I believe this is quantifiable historically

    Mike McCurdy
    Bellingham, WA
