Thursday, December 31, 2009
Best of Quantifiable Edges 2009
15) Equity Put/Call Ratio Suggests Down Day
14) The 2009 Rally - Breadth Without Compare
13) 3 Lower Closes - A Largely Misunderstood Edge
12) My Take On Optimal Position Sizing
11) Turnaround Tuesdays (A myth that actually confirmed!)
10) Stops Part 2 - When to Use Them
9) Gaps Up From 10-day Highs
8) Intermediate-term Consequences of a 30’s-Like Market (I still believe the market will undergo several intermediate-term exaggerated overreactions in both directions over the next few years.)
7) Some simple shorting systems
6) A Long-term look at Put/Call Ratios
5) The Importance of Positioning In Analysis
4) Distribution Days Quantified (Tradestation code associated with this study is available on the Free Downloads page.)
3) A Long-Term Look At Fed Days
2) My Interview With The Kirk Report (More than just a post. This is long but Charles Kirk got more info out of me than the rest of these posts combined.)
1) The Quantifinder Unveiled & Quantifying The Value of Historical Research (These tools represent Quantifiable Edges biggest accomplishments this year – effectively semi-automating the application of historical research to trading.)
I’m very much looking forward to 2010. The Quantifiable Edges Big Time Swing System was just released and feedback so far has been great. I’m excited to monitor the progress of that in the upcoming year. Additionally, I’ll have more announcements in the coming weeks about improvements and new features for the website.
A safe and happy New Year to all. Thanks for reading, writing, and inspiring me throughout the year!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Quantifiable Edges Greatest Hits of 2009
Jan – Stops Part 1 – When Not To Use Them (Somewhat controversial post here. One I should perhaps expand on at some point.)
Feb – 2% Gaps Down Revisted (We see here that large gaps down often fail to hold over the next few days.)
Mar – Why Tuesday’s 90% Up Day May Not Be Bullish (The implication of this popular study couldn’t have been more wrong.)
Apr – The Most Overbought Market In At Least 23 Years? (Based on a short/intermediate-term indicator.)
May – A Simple & Powerful Timing Indicator (Includes a heavily downloaded free spreadsheet available on the free downloads section of the website.)
Jun – From A High To A Low In 1 Day (A study that looks at a fast move from the high end of the market’s range to the low end.)
Jul – What Happens After A Sharp Contraction In Volatility (I now track this indicator each night on the members charts page. There are also a few studies associated with it that are tracked by the Quantifinder.)
Aug – Percent of Stock Above Their 200ma’s Hitting Extreme Levels
Sep – Never Have So Many Stocks Been So Stretched Above Their 200ma (I’m seeing a theme here. Everyone loves to hear how we’re hitting all-time extremes. It’s like when I was little and I would be excited when the weatherman said we made a record high or a record low on the day.)
Oct – Extreme Weakness Never Before Seen By This Measure (The measure was the McClellan Oscillator. The comparison was a little unfair since it used the standard McClellan Oscillator rather than the ratio adjusted version. I now track the ratio adjusted version on the members charts page. Traders not familiar with the McClellan Oscillator should familiarize themselves with it. And while the oscillator has been around a long time, the McClellan’s continue to do good work to this day. The “Learning Center” on their website is full of goodies. )
Nov – What A Strong Early Tick Has Meant In The Past – Perhaps I’ll need to post more intraday edges in 2010.
Dec - Twill Be 3 Nights Before Christmas (A seasonal study. It was only posted about a week ago.)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Introducing The Quantifiable Edges Big Time Swing System
It is not a black box. It is completely open sourced and Traders may even elect to purchase the open code in Tradestation and Excel formats. While it’s completely open it still comes with a supporting web page for purchasers as well as a 2010 alert service at no extra cost.
I’m extremely excited to be able to offer it at this time. I'm confident it will help some traders improve their results in 2010. For more information please visit the Quantifiable Edges Big Time Swing overview page.
If you have questions after viewing the information page, feel free to email them to BigTimeSwing @ QuantifiableEdges(dot)com
Index Put/Call Closes Below Equity Put/Call
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Twill Be 3 Nights Before Christmas

Monday, December 21, 2009
High Vol Rise on Op-ex Day - Good or Bad?

Could it be different this time? If it opens here then it already is. In no instance over the last 11 years did the market gap higher by as much as 0.5%. It did manage to do so on 12/21/98 – exactly 11 years ago. It also added to the gains and closed above the open that day. Overall implications appear short-term bearish though.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
BKX Drops Ahead of the Fed
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Nasdaq Confirms S&P New High - Does It Matter?
The S&P and Nasdaq set new closing highs Monday. They were the 1st closing highs since late November. Typically when the SPX breaks out to a new closing high after not making one for at least a couple of weeks, it leads to short-term follow through. I looked at this a few different ways – using both SPY and SPX and considering 50 and 200 day highs. All the results came out very similar. Below is one example.

I find it interesting that the while the breakout typically is accompanied by short-term follow through, it doesn’t carry over to the intermediate-term.
One thing I’m neglecting to look at in the above test is the fact that the Nasdaq also broke to a new closing high. Many traders might see this as “confirmation” of the S&P’s closing breakout. I decided to check and see how much difference the Nasdaq confirmation made.

These results are almost identical to the first test, though with a reduced sample size. I compared several ways and kept coming up with the same answer. The confirmation seems to be worthless. It neither greatly enhances nor greatly detracts from results. This holds true both short and intermediate-term. Frankly this was a bit surprising to me since we know a leading Nasdaq has been a good sign historically.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Most Wonderful Tiiiiime Of The Yearrrrrrr

The bullish tendencies over the last 25 years have been exceptionally strong. And as we now see above, not only do you have strong indications that this upcoming week carries an upside edge, but also out as far as 3 weeks.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Poor Nasdaq Breadth A Bit Of A Downer

I should note that while there appears to be a bit of a bearish edge, this study is faced with some conflicting bullish ones that I’ve discussed over the last few days in the Subscriber Letter. The outlook isn’t completely cut and dry. I did think the study was worth noting and updating though.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Does An Inside Day After An Outside Day Provide a Directional Edge?

The initial results looked like there was a possibility of a mild upside edge. Further investigation suggested the edge more likely is non-existent. Below is a profit curve that shows a 4-day exit strategy which should explain why I say this.

From this chart is appears that an edge MAY have been in place during the raging bull of the 1990’s. At that time just about any consolidation was followed by a strong move up. Since the end of 1999, though, the profit curve is a complete flatline. It appears that whatever edge there may have been back then is no longer in effect.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Back To Back Outside Days
Friday, December 4, 2009
My Take On Optimal Position Sizing
Here's my take on using Optimal f (or any other position sizing formula for that matter).
Optimal f may be the mathematically optimal size for a position IF the trades are managed in an optimal manner. For many people, positions of "optimal" size feel aggressive. While our perception is often that we have a large edge on a particular trade or strategy, the edge often isn't THAT great. In order to maintain your edge you need to be able to trade the strategy in an "optimal" manner. Whether the strategy is automated or discretionary doesn't matter. You need to be able to take entries when they trigger. You need to be able to take exits when they trigger. But just as important and sometimes most difficult is you also need to be able to SIT when there is neither an entry nor an exit triggering.
The sitting can often be difficult when traders have what they perceive as a large position that they are managing. Many traders have a tendency to want to manage the trade more carefully with large positions. This may mean tightening stops sooner or taking partial profits a little quicker. Doing this "feels" good and it may get the trader to a breakeven level faster, but in the long run it will almost always either reduce or destroy the edge of the strategy. Tighter stops and quicker profit taking effectively means more losers and smaller winners. Few strategies can withstand more losers and smaller winners and still look good.
Optimal f may be the mathematical optimal size, but in my view the optimal size is the closest you can get to Optimal f and still execute your strategies as they were designed - while keeping your sanity.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thoughts On Recent Gap Activity

The real odd behavior here is with the average gap size. Such gappy behavior is unusual with the market near new highs. It’s also unusual when there isn’t also a substantial increase in the intraday range. I looked at this a number of different ways last night. The 10/100 Absolute Avg Gap is 1.38 (meaning the 10ma is 38% larger than the 100ma of the overnight gap size). I looked at other instances where similar levels were approached and the market was near a new high. It’s been fairly unusual over the last 15 years and results were inconclusive.
I then look at comparing the size of the average gap to the size of the average intraday range (not the true range as shown above). Here again I found we are at very high levels but past history was choppy and inconclusive.
Lastly I looked at times where the 10-day average gap was well above normal and the 10-day average intraday range was well below normal. Again I could find nothing suggesting a significant directional edge.
So is this activity suggestive of anything? Perhaps. While the readings themselves don’t seem to help greatly in predicting direction, they do indicate some unusual behavior. My take is that the market is being influenced more by outside forces than is customary. It’s been noted by many that the dollar has been leading everything by the nose lately. Outside influences like Dubai debt have also had an overnight influence lately. This would seem to explain why such a large percentage of action is occurring overnight.
So what should we do about it as traders? Two things come to mind – 1) Be more cognizant of dollar and other intramarket action. 2) Perhaps don’t put quite as much weight on standard price, volume and breadth indicators as usual. The studies have done quite well as of late. Still, it may be worth trading with a bit more caution than usual until the stock market manages to decouple from the dollar a little bit.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday's Breadth Was SO Negative...It Could Be Positive
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Interview From The Kirk Report Is Now Available
If you’ve ever had questions about my approach, then be sure to check it out. Charles probably got the answer out of me. Even those who are very familiar with my work will find new material in the interview. Charles got me to discuss ideas and methods that I’ve never discussed on the blog or in the Subscriber Letter before. The interview is lengthy, but with the slow trading and extra time off over the next few days I thought some readers might find it interesting. There is a link below, and I have also posted a permanent link on the Quantifiable Edges home page.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Vegas Traders Expo Wrapup & Links
Larry discussed some of his TradingMarkets work.
Buff discussed his Volume Price Confirmation Index (VPCI), which he won the Charles H. Dow award for in 2007. For those who may not have read Mr. Dormeier’s paper I would suggest it. It may be found using the link below:
In fact, all past Dow Award winning papers back to 1994 may be found here:
Other traders whose work I respect greatly and had a chance to meet and talk with at the expo include:
Scott Andrews of Master the Gap. Scott’s focus is trading the opening gap – primarily in the S&P futures. He uses statistics and backtesting to develop his techniques.
Tim Bourquin of - a unique site that interviews traders to provide insights into how they make money.
Dave Mabe of Stocktickr. The Stocktickr product helps traders to track, segment and journal their trades. I strongly believe it’s important to understand what’s working and what isn’t among a traders strategies and this product seems to do a nice job of assisting with that.
Corey Rosenbloom of Afraid to Trade. Corey focuses on intraday trading and technical analysis. He looks for trade confirmation using several techniques including Fibonacci, Eliot Wave, and tick analysis.
I also enjoyed meeting and speaking with several Quantifiable Edges readers and subscribers.
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Daily Breakdown Of Thanksgiving Week History

Monday and Tuesday don’t seem to carry a sizable edge. Monday’s total return was actually negative prior to 2008 when it posted a gain of over 6%. Also notable is that the Monday AFTER Thanksgiving’s stats were skewed a bit by the 2008 results. Last year saw a drop of over 8% on that day. Even excluding 2008 there is a bit of a bearish edge apparent on the Monday following Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 16, 2009
What A Strong Early Tick Has Meant In The Past

Nearly 2/3 of the time the market has managed to follow through with more gains from 10am until the close. Stats are a little skewed by the huge 7.5% gain that occurred on 10/13/08. The average loss was fairly small at around 0.5%. Overall, a very positive start like we’re seeing this morning has often been good news for the rest of the day.
Of course there is a little speech today from Chairmen Ben…
Vegas This Week / SPY Volume Low Again Friday
I may act more as a reporter/blogger later this week and provide some thoughts about the show and my experience there.
Notable about Friday’s action was that volume was again light on the rally. This has often led to a short-term pullback in the past. Below is a link to an April 2009 post that looked at SPY action as was seen on Friday. The study was one of several identified by the Quantifinder on Friday.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
VIX Rises As SPX Hits New High

These stats suggest a downside edge. Apparently the VIX should not be on the rise when the SPX is hitting new highs. The fact that it rose Wednesday implies a short-term pullback.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Low SPY Volume Could Signal A Pullback
This first one looked at declining volume on a streak of higher closes.
The second one looked at 20-day volume lows when the market is in the upper end of its range.
So while other indicators have been positive, volume is currently the squeaky wheel.
Monday, November 9, 2009
VIX Goes From Overbought To Oversold In 5 Days

Results have been inconsistent but risk/reward has generally favored more upside over the coming weeks. This would seem to make sense since what you’re typically looking at in the SPX with the above setup is a strong rebound from a sharp decline during a long-term uptrend.
I am seeing some signs the market is nearing a pullback. The VIX action is not one of those signs.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Extreme Nasdaq Breadth Suggests Higher Prices

Instances are lower than I’d typically like to see, but with all 7 closing higher in the next day or 2, this study appears worth noting. Extremely strong volume breadth going into riskier Nasdaq stocks has often led to some follow through when the market is in a long-term uptrend.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fed Studies
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What's Been Happening With The CBI

As long-time readers may recall, I don’t normally view CBI readings below 5 as any kind of warning sign. It’s not until readings reach 10 or more that they become highly indicative of an upcoming oversold bounce. We haven’t seen a reading above 4 in almost 8 months now. Even the current selloff has only seen the number move up to 3. It also appears unlikely to move substantially higher in the very near term. While other breadth readings like the McClellan Oscillator have been reaching extreme levels, the CBI requires more intense selling among individual issues – not just a broad decline. I’ll discuss the CBI again when more significant readings arrive.
For those who would like to learn more about this inidicator, you may check out the CBI label on the right hand side of the page.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Do Very Bad Fridays Set Up Crash Mondays?

The “Average Trade” column on the far right is skewed thanks to the ’87 crash which saw the market drop 20% on Monday. It appears in the almost all of the cases that the market was set up for a bounce based on Friday’s action rather than a crash. Of course while the last week has been bad, the market does remains in a long-term uptrend. I decided to filter the above results again to examine the bad Friday’s that appeared in long-term uptrends.

Instances are low here, but for the short-term they really couldn’t be more bullish. Again they also suggest the bounce should basically come immediately.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Extreme Weakness Never Before Seen By This Measure

One notable about this chart is that breadth readings have become more extreme over time. Whereas moves above 100 and below -100 were rare from ’86 – ’93, they are fairly ordinary today.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Based On This Setup SPY Has Always Bounced In The Past

Most impressive about this one is the 100% consistency of the bounce. That’s an impressive feat with a sample size so ample.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Weak Closes Since The March Bottom

Monday, October 26, 2009
QQQQ Closes at 5-day Low for the 1st Time in a While
Friday, October 23, 2009
Back to back 7-day reversals - a rare setup
The last two days we’ve seen opposing reversals. Wednesday the market made a new high but closed down on the day. Thursday it hit a 7-day low before reversing to close up on the day. A reversal off a 7-day high followed by a reversal off a 7-day low would seem a bit unusual. I looked back to 1978 and found out just how unusual it was. Below is what I found.

It’d be dangerous to trade based off of just a sample set of 5, but I was still fairly amazed that there wasn’t a single instance of a profitable close within the next 4 days.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Day After Last Hour Smackdowns

Last night’s Subscriber Letter contained more details and observations about this study. Click here for a free trial.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What Happens In Vegas...
I’m pleased to announce I’ll be speaking on Thursday, November 19th at 1:15pm. The topic of my presentation will be “Quantifiable Edges for Swing Trading”. I’ll be discussing some of my favorite edges and most interesting research.
Registration for the event is free, and you may do so by clicking here.
I hope to get the opportunity to meet many readers and subscribers at the Expo.
The Last 4 Days Price/Volume Pattern
Going back to 1970 I was only able to find two other instances with the same 4 day pattern where 50-day highs were being made. The 1st was 3/26/81 and it was followed by a decline of nearly a year and a half. The 2nd instance was 6/6/95 and that was followed by a 3-day consolidation and then a continuation of a massive bull market. Nothing to learn there.
But what if we look at the 4-day price/volume pattern on its own and not require new highs be made? Based on common knowledge it would still seem to be bearish. Below are stats going back to 1970:

It could be argued that the above results suggest bullish tendencies, especially over the 4-7 day period. I don’t see any evidence that suggests the current 4-day price/volume pattern is bearish.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Quantifying the Value of Historical Research
The Aggregator takes a measurement each evening that estimates what all of the currently active studies are projecting over the next few days. This number is plotted and used on the Aggregator chart, which is published each night in the Subscriber Letter. Along with the estimates the Aggregator chart also shows how the market has performed relative to expectations over the last few days. This is helpful in establishing whether the market is overbought or oversold. I have claimed substantial upside edges typically exist when expectations are positive and the market is oversold versus recent expectations. Also, substantial downside edges typically exist when expectations are negative and the market is overbought versus recent expectations.
While many of the index-oriented trade ideas in the Subscriber Letter were based on the Aggregator chart, I’d never quantified the Aggregator nor used it as a mechanical entry…until recently.
Now that we have nearly two years of historical values I decided it was time to take the concepts above and show exactly how a mechanical strategy based on the Aggregator would have performed. The results were even better than I expected.
Since 2/25/08 (about 20 months), the reinvested return (not inclusive of commissions, slippage, or interest on cash) of trading the SPX based on the Aggregator System signals would have been 106.34%. The system has struggled more recently and is currently experiencing a 3.94% drawdown. Over the full time period it has been invested a little over 60% of the time, with the remaining 40% of the time spent in cash. Both long and short trades have contributed fairly equally.
In my mind, the success of the Aggregator as a tool and as a predictive indicator has cemented the value of historical quantitative research. It demonstrates that incorporating quantifiable edges does indeed provide a quantifiable edge!
More details about the Aggregator System may be found on the systems page of the Quantifiable Edges website. Details include an 11-page working document that reviews the results, discusses recent performance and evaluates alternate entry and exit techniques. Additionally there is a spreadsheet available to all trial users that shows summary statistics, an equity curve and details of every single trigger since 2/25/08 (when the Subscriber Letter began).
Gold level subscribers are able to download the full history of the Aggregator and Differential values in a .csv file. This allows them to more easily integrate the tool into existing strategies or to build their own strategies based on it.
Anyone who wishes to trial the Quantifiable Edges subscriber services may do by clicking here. If you have previously trialed or subscribed to Quantifiable Edges, but would like the opportunity to trial again and see details of the Aggregator System, feel free to drop an email to support @ (no spaces) and you will be set up with a new 1-week trial.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Strong Drops From Highs

Certainly not an overwhelming edge, but a hint that there could be more selling before a bounce occurs.
BTW, watch out this week for a few exciting announcements from Quantifiable Edges!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Large Gap & Go's To Intermediate-term Highs

Instances are a bit low but notable nonetheless. Below is a list of all the instances using the 3-day exit criteria.

This would appear to suggest a bit of a downside edge over the next few days.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Look At This Morning's Gap
Big gap up this morning on the heels of solid earnings. I looked at other times we saw a gap up to new highs in the SPY and found the following results:
This would suggest a bit of a downside edge from open to close today.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Columbus Day Performance

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Considering This Morning's Gap
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What's Happened To "2 Days Up In Chop"?
Below is an equity curve of “2 Days Up In Chop”.
The poor performance of “2 Days Up In Chop” can be attributed the strongly trending rally that has taken place. “2 Days Up In Chop” triggered again on Tuesday afternoon. I effectively suspended use of it as an indicator a while back. Should the market top out or enter a period of consolidation, or even simply undergo a deceleration in its uptrend, then “2 Days Up In Chop” may begin working again. I’ll continue to monitor the equity curve as a gauge of market behavior. Equity curves of simple systems such as this are a nice way to look under the hood of the market and understand what’s working and what isn’t in the current environment.
The Trend vs. Chop equity curve is one I update weekly on the subscriber site. It shows the effect of buying all up days and shorting all down days. In a choppy environment the line will fall. A rising line suggests a more trendy environment. For more discussion on this chart you may see this post from a little over a year ago. A current chart is below.
As you might suspect, the strong move up has been accompanied by unusually trendy behavior.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Deceleration of Decline Suggests Bounce

This study suggests a decent upside edge over the next week-plus. One aspect of this study that I find particular appealing is that it has been consistent over time. Below is a profit curve using a 5-day exit strategy.

The consistent upward slope shown here is preferable to a jagged equity curve or one where most of the profits were made in a small number of trades.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Bad Ends To The Quarter

86% of instances were trading higher 2 days later and the average trade was 1.2%. This suggests a decent upside edge for the next couple of days.
A more detailed look at this study may be found in last night’s Subscriber Letter. To view it in full you may take a free trial. If you have trialed Quantifiable Edges before but not since 6/1/09 you may send a request to support @ (no spaces).
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Low Volume When The Market Rises Strongly

We’ve seen several studies like this over time and many of them were identified by the Quantifinder on Monday. With so many studies confirming each other, it seems the downside edge in these very low volume rises is for real. One caveat with Monday’s action though is that it was Yom Kippur, meaning a lot of traders were out of action and somewhat lower volume could be expected. Still, it’s been a steady enough edge that I decided to it was worth review.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday's Very Low Volume Provides An Upside Edge
First, let’s look at 3 day pullbacks that don’t occur on extremely low volume.

As you can see there is a slight upside edge. The % winners were between 57% and 60% and the average gains days 1-3 were between 0.1% and 0.275%.
Now let’s look at times were the volume was extremely low:

Here the upside edge is significantly stronger over the next few days. The % winners were between 68% and 76% and the average gains days 1-3 were between 0.59% and 0.94%. The reliability of a bounce occurring at some point in the 3 day period increased from 75% to 87%.
Volume can often provide some valuable clues. For more volume-related analysis, you can check out the volume label on the right hand side of the blog.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fed Day Selloffs

There appears to be an upside edge here. Although it isn’t the most powerful edge we’ve seen it still appears to suggest bullish inclinations over the next few days and weeks.
Also in that May 1, 2008 blog I looked specifically at Fed days that closed in the bottom 10% of their daily range. I re-ran that study as well tonight.

Much of the edge here appears in the first day. Poor closes on Fed days have rarely seen significant follow through in the coming days. More often the selling is viewed as an overreaction and the market is able to rebound a bit.
If you’d like to trial Quantifiable Edges premium services including the Quantifinder and the Subscriber Letter you may sign up for a free trial here. (Those that have trialed before but not since the Quantifnder was released in June may email support @ (no spaces) and I’ll be happy to set you up with a new trial.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Long-Term Look At Fed Days

Over the last 27 years there’s been a persistent upside edge. The average Fed day has ourperformed the average day by about 7.5 times.
For more studies on Fed days make sure to check out the Fed day link.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Last Week's Equity Put/Call Ratios Suggest A Pullback

Most notable and also most compelling about this study is the fact that all instances have occurred after the March bottom. Prior to that the 5-day ratio had never stretched 20% below the 200-day. This is another example of just how extreme the current bull move has become. It also makes the results that much more impressive from a negative standpoint since they were achieved during a 60% run-up in the market.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The 2009 Rally - Breadth Without Compare
With Wednesday’s big rally, we are now seeing even more extraordinary numbers. Not only is T2111 up to 58.51%, but T2112, which measures the % of stocks trade at least 2 standard deviation above their 40-DAY moving average, is also in record territory. It is showing that a remarkable 57.19% of stocks are now stretched far above their 40-ma’s.
The action in T2112 truly exemplifies the uniqueness of the rally since March. Below is a long-term look at the indicator. Note that from 1986 through 2008 the highest reading this indicator ever registered was 37.22% in November of 2004. That record has been blown away repeatedly over the last 6 months.

Let’s now zoom in on this year to better see what I’m saying.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Never Have So Many Stocks Been So Stretched Above Their 200ma.

I marked on the chart the 4 other instances that came close to the current reading. What you may notice is that these spikes were generally brief. Every case was followed by at least a mild selloff that worked off the severely overbought conditions. In no case did the extreme spike mark the end to the bull market that created it. It’s dangerous to read too much into only 4 instances, but a short-term pullback does seem reasonable. The current reading does not suggest a long-term top, though.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The 1st Profitable Close Exit Strategy - When It's Appropriate
Sometimes this is true. In other cases though, the 1st Profitable Close exit is appropriate and effective. “2 Days In Chop” is one of those cases. Recall the premise of the system was based on taking advantage of the extremely choppy market conditions that had been identified. It’s those choppy conditions that make the 1st Profitable Close strategy viable.
When conditions are especially choppy and the market is constantly swinging back and forth, the expectation is for that chop to persist. This would suggest a move in the direction of the trade is more likely to be reversed than to follow through. So with a system like “2 Days in Chop”, the expectation flips as soon as the trade becomes profitable. Since a reversal is more likely than continued follow through the correct play is to take the quick profit.
Obviously an exit strategy like this only works well when trading a reversal / mean reverting system in a choppy environment. In a different environment, or if trading a breakout system, an exit strategy that looks for quick profits would be a disaster.
Other techniques that work well when trading overbought/oversold conditions would include using a short term oscillator and waiting for that oscillator to revert back to a neutral state, or using a short-term moving average (such as a 5-day) and then exiting the trade on a cross of the moving average.
Monday, September 14, 2009
2 Days In Chop Systems - 1 Year Later
Long System (2 Days Down In Chop):
1) Buy the SPX any time it closes lower 2 days in a row.
2) Sell the 1st profitable close up to 3 days later.
3) Sell on the 3rd day regardless of profitability.
Short System (2 Days Up In Chop):
1) Short the SPX any time it closes higher 2 days in a row.
2) Cover the 1st profitable close up to 4 days later.
3) Cover on the 4th day regardless of profitability.
A few quick notes:
At the time the market was locked in a downtrend which is why I gave the shorts an extra day.
I noted the systems were very raw and were not something I would trade “as is”.
Below I will show the combined performance of the 2 systems since I introduced them. In upcoming posts I’ll discuss how I use the systems and also discuss some thoughts on them and some ideas in which the basic systems could be improved.
Here is the performance over the last year +.

A 73% return would seem very impressive for something so simple. It has had a bit of a drawdown lately, though. Below is a profit curve.

The system peaked on 6/22 and has had a few rough trades as of late. Still, the recent drawdown is very small compared to the overall gains of the system.
So why haven’t I simply traded the system “as is” for the last year? I guess you could say that I’m just not smart enough to blindly trade a system this dumb.
I’m getting a little smarter, though. And I’ll have more in upcoming posts.