Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When Monday & Tuesday of Thanksgiving Week Are Lower

As I showed a few days ago Thanksgiving week has had some very bullish tendencies on both Wednesday and Friday.  Interesting about the current week  is that both Monday and Tuesday have closed down in the SPX.  Going back to 1961 I looked at performance on Wed through Fri after Mon and Tues were lower.  There were only eight other instances.  They are listed below.

Instances are lower than I would prefer but stats are heavily lopsided to the short-term bullish case.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Excellent (and helpful) followup to an excellent analysis.

    Happy Thanksgiving back to you, Rob, from your many thankful and avid readers.

  2. Thanks for the study. Right now, I keep a sharp eye on Europe, China and "geo-political", to provide context to Rob and other quant study works.
