Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quantifiable Edges 2010 Highlights

Happy New Year! Before starting my 2011 posts I thought I would provide a list of Quantifiable Edges highlights from 2010. I have selected below a post from each month of 2010 to serve as a sort of “Best Of” list. There are also a few highlights mentioned beneath that.
January – Why I always look deeper than the stats.

February – What a weak early tick has led to in the past.

March - Back to Back Outside Days in QQQQ

April – EEM:SPY as a Sentiment Indicator

May – Strong 1-Day Nasdaq Rally on Weak Volume

June – Quantifiable Edges Capitulative Breadth Indicator (CBI) Suggests a Bounce

July – Short-term Persistence an Intermediate-Term Positive

August – AAII Investors Survey Showing Extreme Bearishness

September – Strong Breadth on a Breakout

October – Quantifying How Market Analysis Can Enhance Individual Stock & ETF Trading Methods

November – POMO Stimulus Hitting A New High

December – A Rare SPY Pattern That Has Always Been Followed By Short-term Gains

I was also involved in a few projects in 2010 that I thought needed mention.

John Forman’s Trader FAQ’s – In May John Forman released his New Trader FAQ’s Book. While my contribution was a small one, I was excited to be included in such a top-notch effort. I got word from John recently that a 2nd edition is going to be released soon, so keep your eye out for that!
In June I released “The Quantifiable Edges Guide to Fed Days”. This guide was a comprehensive collection of my research on and around Fed Days. I was delighted to have contributions from Tom McClellan and Scott Andrews included in the book. I was also very pleased by the response from those who purchased it.

New Guide on Blog – Near the end of the year I started a series of posts focused on “Using Quantifiable Edges to Your Advantage”. The series has only just begun, but I plan on adding to it quite a bit in the New Year. I hope it turns out to be a nice reference guide for new and experience Quantifiable Edges readers alike.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna use this comment to thank you for the work you sharing here. It was very inspiring to me during the last year.
