Monday, June 6, 2011

A SPY Gap Study from Master the Gap

I spoke with my friend Scott Andrews from the other day and learned that he is currently offering a detailed study on SPY gaps on his website. The study is free and available for the next few days. When I last saw Scott in February at the New York Traders Expo he presented some of the information in this study at his seminar. I saw that seminar, and I've reviewed the study that is currently being offered, and there is a lot of information that quant-oriented traders may find useful. Therefore I have posted a link below to Scott's site where you can download this SPY study. If you're interested at all in trading gaps then I would suggest checking it out. It does contain a lot of good information.  It's about 30-pages of tables and bullet points looking at SPY gaps from many different angles.  I believe he often charges for similar studies.  Anyway, here's the link:

Full disclosure: 1) Scott is a friend of mine. 2) When you go to download the study it will ask you where you heard about it. Quantifiable Edges is one of the drop-down choices. I'm simply letting you know this so you're not surprised. I am not receiving any compensation from Scott for doing this and have no formal business relationship with him (though he did contribute a section to the Quantifiable Edges Guide to Fed Days book). I'm doing it both because I feel the study is good, and that Quantifiable Edges readers may find value in it. Of course if enough people choose the Quantifiable Edges drop-down then I will definitely bully him into buying me a beer next time I see him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Rob. I printed out the study, but haven't a chance to read it yet.
