Monday, February 13, 2012

3rd QE Buying Power Index Webinar Added for Wednesday

Due to popular demand and a very positive response I have decided to hold one more live webinar on Wednesday at 12:15pm EST for the QE Buying Power Index. After that I don't anticipate any more live webinars being held in February.

If you'd like to attend you may go here to register (and to find links with more information).

Below are a few brief clippings from emails I received from attendees last week.

"I thought it was a GREAT VALUE!!"
-Roger S

"Rob, I thought the webinar was fantastic: 1. It started on time. 2. It got the point across in an appropriate amount of time and 3. was professionally done… I quickly played with the indicator against one of my MR systems (long and short) and can see the indicator helps.
- Rob K

I loved your webinar…I also like your style as far as finding numbers and stats to back your decisions.
-Diane F

So if you want to attend the Wednesday webinar (or if you can't make it and would just like to view the recorded version), here's the link again.

1 comment:

  1. Rob, yes very nice webinar as in everything you do!

    One question, what kind of technical analysis tools can one use besides Tradestation and Excel to implement this type of analysis?

    Thanks in advance!
