Friday, August 17, 2012

Quantifiable Edges new baby - Overnight Edges

I can't tell you how excited I am to announce the launch of Overnight Edges. Overnight trading is something I've spent years studying, implementing, and refining.  I've kept quiet about it for far too long.  Now I’m finally ready to share it with the world!  I’ll write more on it in the near future, but today I just wanted to formally announce that Overnight Edges is LIVE!  Check it out at


  1. The Night Owl Trader is pleased to have some company in the overnight. There's definitely some good opportunities trading ES this way.

  2. Thanks Michele!

    I have followed Night Owl Trader in my reader for a while and thought you were on my blogroll, but I appear to have messed up and never added the link...until now. Glad you wrote so that I was able to correct my oversight.


  3. The pleasure is mine. I've been a regular reader and admirer of QE for a long time now. I always take your studies into account when I do my forecasts. Thanks for doing all that hard work and making it available.
